Hair Type

Good Haircut for Guys with Curly Hair?

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Haircut for Guys with Curly Hair

Curly haired men are considered to be dreamy in pop culture. Just look at all the famous boy bands. However, curly hairs tend to have a mind of their own and a penchant for flying free and wild when given the chance. Still, if the right cut and styling is applied, there is no reason why you cannot lay it down at the club a la Justin Timberlake!

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Too Tight, Too Loose?

If you have curly hairs then you have a good chance of becoming famous as a part of a boy band. Get the cut right, bust out some dance moves, and you should be set even if you do not have a singing voice! If you are new to curly haircuts then go for short sides and long top as it is the safest option. How long the top should be would depend on your unique curly hair signature i.e. the pattern which your hairs naturally take. If your hairs are difficult and form the strangest of curls then short is a better option to rein those wildlings in.

Which Way to Go With Styling?

Short, curly hairs would mean a lot of maintenance. Curly hairs, by nature, require a lot of care. Make sure you have all the right products for your hair type to keep them from becoming too unruly or frizzy. Longer curls will need a lot of watching especially!